Monster High coloring pages

Monster High Coloring Pages feature sketches of dolls inspired by characters from horror films and fantasy movies. Each character from Monster High has its own backstory, circle of friends, and pets. Under the Monster High brand, a variety of merchandise is available for purchase in stores, including coloring pages. However, downloading and printing these coloring pages from our website is a much simpler and more convenient option for you and your child, and it's absolutely free.

Choose your favorite Monster High coloring pages and print for free

Frankie Stein, the famous daughter of Frankenstein, is very young, polite, and friendly. She faces some challenges in communicating with others as she is not yet fully adept at it. Frankie has a striking appearance: one eye is blue and the other green, her long black-and-white hair cascades over her shoulders, and her skin has a pale green tint. Her pet dog's name is Watzit. Coloring pages featuring Frankie Stein from Monster High will undoubtedly appeal to both girls and boys.

Draculaura, Dracula's daughter, is nothing like her father. She detests blood and adheres to a vegetarian lifestyle, which is certainly pleasing. However, she retains some vampiric traits: she avoids sunlight and doesn't have a reflection in mirrors. A charming heart-shaped birthmark adorns her face, and her black-pink hair completes her lovely look. Draculaura's pet bat is named Count Fabulous.

Clawdeen Wolf, the daughter of the Werewolf, is a fashionable and stylish young girl who is friends with Draculaura. Clawdeen dreams of achieving great heights in the fashion world, and we are hopeful for her success. Her pet, a kitten, is named Crescent. Coloring pages featuring Clawdeen Wolf from Monster High will surely delight any girl.

Download or print Monster High coloring pages for girls. They will enjoy coloring their favorite dolls from Monster High in various bright colors.

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