Pine Tree coloring pages

Pine coloring pages will introduce children to the evergreen coniferous tree. Stately tall pine tree can be found almost everywhere. Thanks to its powerful roots, the tree takes root in any soil. But for active growth, the pine needs sunlight, to which it reaches out, trying to become taller than all the other trees in the forest. The trunk of the tree is powerful, strong, covered with reddish-brown bark. Spreading branches are studded with long thin needles, gathered in bunches of two or three pieces. The pine also grows large oblong cones with seeds inside. Young cones are green, ripe cones turn brown. In pine needles and cones a large amount of essential oils that are destructive to germs, bacteria and insects. That is why the air in a pine forest is considered healing. Sturdy pine wood is used for the production of building materials, in shipbuilding, for furniture. The resin of the tree is used to make paints and varnishes. Cones, needles and pollen are used to make medicines. Here you can find free Pine Tree coloring pages for your kids and then download or print them in A4 format.

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